Support local communities with every booking
We know you love adventures that leave a positive social footprint.
We know you'd rather endorse businesses with a social conscience.
With NuTravelAfrica you achieve both.
Each time you book a local buddy, at least 20% of your modest booking fee (starting at £5 per hour) goes to support our charity partners who do great work locally.
With us, making a difference couldn't be easier.
Meet Our Charity Partner
Corps Africa
We are proud to partner with CorpsAfrica Malawi
CorpsAfrica Malawi is branch of CorpsAfrica; a fast growing African charity that recruits and places ambitious Africans in remote, high-poverty communities in their own countries. These men and women live in the community and initiate sustainable projects that fulfill key needs and whose impact and success can be carefully measured, all through a transformative volunteer experience.
Through their volunteering work real local impact is achieved. CorpsAfrica's Impact to date:
200+ Community Projects
500+ People Impacted on Average by 1 Volunteer
60% of Staff are Former Volunteers
99% of Communities Request More Volunteers